Thank you, Madam Chair.
I have a very diverse riding. I think we have to be fair. I totally feel for these students, and we should find a way...but when I receive people and I receive deportations for people who have similar issues.... They came here and they were advised, coming here as tourists, to apply to become permanent residents. They believed that. They stayed for three, four or five years, and then they were refused, deported.
What can I tell those people when they come to me and ask, “Why don't you prefer to talk about this? You work hard to settle the issues of those people, those students, but not our issues”? This is what I'm feeling, and I wonder how I can face those people.
However, after saying that, I can tell you, looking very logically at what Ms. Kwan commented on, I am ready to support her proposal as it's presented. Thank you.