In amendment CPC‑20, I move that Bill S‑245 be amended by adding after line 18 on page 1 the following new clause:
1.4 Section 24 of the Act is amended by adding the following: Respecting holidays and days of significance to promote Canada's multicultural identity 24.1 (6) Citizenship ceremonies may not be scheduled during Navratri.
Madam Chair, the logic of this one is that Navratri is an annual Hindu festival in honour of the goddess Durga that spans nine nights. It is celebrated differently in India's various regions. For many people, it's a time of religious reflection and fasting, while for others it's a time for dancing and feasting.
Again, persons who have a citizenship ceremony on one of those days may not be able to attend for religious reasons. Therefore, we should not be scheduling citizenship ceremonies during those days, when a person would be unable to attend.
Thank you, Chair.