Look, my background in law before politics is telling me to be very careful, because the facts of individual cases may vary and I don't want to describe in a blanket way that may not capture nuance, but the new process we've shared today, the task force, will be triggered immediately upon an inadmissibility finding at the IRB. You don't need to go through the existing Federal Court challenge to an IRB decision in order to benefit from the process we've laid out before the task force.
I want to be careful not to provide legal advice to people who might be in the middle of a Federal Court hearing. There may be very good reasons why a person chooses to proceed down that path in any event, but for an individual who is not yet at that stage and is going through the IRB process, if they receive a negative decision at the end of that process, they will immediately have access to the steps outlined as part of the task force we've described today.