One of the challenges we run into when we're dealing with the existing legislative framework is that simply dealing with this process—when the legislation would still have them go through the IRB process and it could result in inadmissibility—would put us in a situation where we might extend temporarily the status of a person who would subsequently be found inadmissible and would still need to go through a similar process to have access to the humanitarian and compassionate grounds to avoid the five-year inadmissibility.
The individual circumstances.... I want to be very careful not to provide legal advice, but the person who is going through the process should always show up when they're asked by CBSA to show up. They should go through with the IRB process and make their case. It is only the cohort of people who complete that process and are deemed inadmissible at the end of that process who will then require the benefit of the new process we've created today.
I understand that these are many layers of process, but we want to make sure that every individual who is caught up and who doesn't have the compassion given to them that I think the facts deserve still has that last shot through the task force that we announced earlier today.