Thank you for your comment.
Look, you raise some interesting points. One thing I've come to understand in this particular job is that there are many issues that I think we need to reform over time, and the international student program is a great example. We actually just completed the consultation on the review of the international student program not much more than a week ago.
However, to your point about working with India, we had an initiative that we were working on in March of this year for the purpose of sharing good information to strengthen the integrity...and highlighting the extraordinary opportunity we have to continue to recruit students from that particular country.
As we go forward, we're looking at some new ideas to build a trusted institutions model with some of our post-secondary education partners who demonstrate that they have the capacity to monitor the integrity of applications, to treat students well when they arrive and to help them adjust to life in the workforce.
I think this is the next frontier for the international student program. If you have advice, as always, it would be more than welcome.