That's one way of doing it. I'm going to suggest a different one.
Wouldn't it be wiser, perhaps, for the federal government to simply tell DLIs that a DLI that's recognized by a province cannot use a consultant overseas; it must use a consultant here in Canada who's registered with the college. It can't use them for any type of recruitment, because we don't know whether they're doing their work in the public interest.
That kind of sounded like what both Lovepreet and Balbir were saying, which was that they shouldn't be allowed to do work on behalf of colleges. Colleges should not be allowed to hire them, because we don't know what the business practice is—whether they're getting a percentage or whether they're owned through the back door. That's my first question.
The second question would be this: Should there also be a ban whereby if you are a consultant, you're forbidden from owning a private college?