For vulnerable workers—and this can be done on an ad hoc basis—there is a program to make sure they can get an open work permit so that they can leave the place where they are being exploited. It is a program that requires a number of parameters to be met, but it is one that is extremely important in making sure that we are stemming and preventing abuse and at least allowing people to be able to, at times, testify against their employers. In the context of being in a closed work permit, they would be disincentivized from that and in fact, at times, when they are truly being exploited, threatened with being sent home or fired. It is therefore extremely important.
It's a program that makes sense, and it's a program that I believe needs to continue. It has had, I will admit, some challenges at times, but it's one that we will continue to refine to make sure that people in a vulnerable situation aren't exploited.