Thanks, MP Ali.
The announcement we made, which you were at—and thank you, obviously, for your advocacy and for that of your colleagues on this, because it was directly responsible for swift action by the federal government—was very important, because this is a humanitarian operation. Whether or not you agree that people who arrive here irregularly should be here, clearly they need shelter over their heads for the winter and also as they get the due process to which they are entitled under the laws of this country and under our international obligations.
The relationships we have are different from province to province. We have a different relationship with Quebec, and frankly, despite the political narrative at times, it is more organized than the one we have with the Government of Ontario. We deal sort of city by city, municipality by municipality at times in our organization, and there is probably a good argument to be made about being better organized, particularly as we see large flows coming into the city of Toronto, a lot of them coming from other places in the country, including Quebec.
These announcements will save lives. The interim housing assistance program—and its name betrays it—is something that is interim, but it is intended to keep shelter over people's heads. Federally speaking, we are also operating in numbers of hotels across the country to make sure that people are safe and that they can have work permits and get jobs.
However, it isn't ideal and I don't think anyone could credibly tell you that this is a long-term solution to the challenges we face. I think it is a challenge that Canadians want to see us rise to, particularly as it involves not only the federal government but also municipal governments, including the mayoralties of Brampton and Mississauga, and importantly, given the volume, Toronto.
We're not out of the woods by any stretch of the imagination, but the sums that we've deployed federally and those that we will leverage provincially and municipally are key to making sure that these people, who are among the most vulnerable people in Canada, are properly taken care of and housed as they get the due process to which they are entitled.