Thank you.
I would like to begin by thanking the Standing Committee on Citizenship and Immigration for inviting me today.
I am Tomoya Obokata, from Japan, currently serving as the UN special rapporteur on contemporary forms of slavery.
As committee members are well aware, I visited your country officially between August 23 and September 6 last year in order to investigate how Canada addresses contemporary forms of slavery. I began my mission in Ottawa and visited other locations, such as Moncton, Vancouver, Toronto and Montreal, and met over 200 stakeholders. In relation to the treatment of migrant workers, I expressed my serious concerns over the low-wage and agricultural streams of the temporary foreign worker program.
In this regard, I received first-hand information from a wide variety of stakeholders, including close to 100 migrant workers I met across Canada, with regard to appalling working conditions that include excessive working hours, physically dangerous tasks, low wages and no overtime pay, as well as sexual harassment, intimidation and violence at the hands of their employers. When workers try to negotiate their working conditions, many are reportedly threatened or even dismissed instantly.
In my view, the key factor increasing the vulnerabilities of migrant workers to exploitation in Canada is the closed nature of the program that ties workers to specific employers. This creates a dependency relationship between the employers and the workers in many cases, allowing the former to exercise strong control over the latter, significantly raising the risk of exploitation and abuse.
I am aware of open permits for vulnerable workers, but this is a temporary solution lasting up to 12 months, and the process is reportedly so bureaucratic, with high evidentiary requirements, that many workers are hesitant to pursue this route. I understand that undocumented workers are also excluded from this scheme.
In view of these findings, I recommend that the federal government modify the closed nature of the program itself so that migrant workers can change their employers at their own will. Such an approach has already been taken by some countries and is being considered by others.
Canada already has the international mobility program that grants full access to the labour market, for example, and the government could consider extending this to all migrant workers.
There is also scope to improve labour inspections. According to the information I received during my visit, inspections reportedly do not occur regularly. When they do, they may be conducted remotely via telephone or video, or, when in person, with advance notice given to employers in many cases so that they can make necessary preparations on the day of the inspection.
In addition, workers' access to justice and remedies should be strengthened. I am aware that there are established channels for complaints, but many workers informed me directly that they do not report instances of abuse and exploitation due to a fear of reprisals by employers such as blacklisting or dismissal. The lack of access to information and language barriers also seem to serve as additional obstacles in accessing justice and remedies by many workers.
Finally, I would like to emphasize that migrant workers make vital contributions to Canada's national economy, yet paths to long-term or permanent residency are extremely limited for most workers in agriculture and other low-wage sectors. I regard this to be discriminatory and would like to recommend that equal opportunities for long-term or permanent residency be open for all migrant workers.
Thank you very much for your attention, and I will be very happy to take any questions.