Thank you, Mr. Chairman.
First of all, let me thank you for your presentation.
I have grown to appreciate the hard work of people who collect data and statistics, having focused a lot of my work in the past on this area, as a driver of public policy—and of circumstances that are described and painted as accurately as you can. Your work is sometimes very difficult, so I appreciate your presentation.
I have a lead-off question, right off the bat, with the collection of the data as specific to population projections, before I get into the housing. What do you think your limitations are with respect to the growth projections you've used and use currently for the aboriginal population growth? The reason I ask this is that in my experience we've run into situations where—and you mention fertility rates here, that they should decline—the assumption sometimes is that you base it on the Canadian average fertility rate instead of the aboriginal population fertility rate, and that skews numbers. We find that previous statistics that have been collected always seem to underestimate the actual growth that the next set of statistics have.
Do you know if there is some limitation so that maybe we can start to see a more accurate leveling off of population and more accurate projections?