I open the Standing Committee on Aboriginal Affairs and Northern Development of Thursday, May 3, 2007.
Committee members, you have the orders of the day before you. Today, we are continuing our review of Bill C-44, An Act to Amend the Canadian Human Rights Act.
The witnesses today from the Assembly of Manitoba Chiefs are Chief Viola Eastman; and Irene Linklater, director, research and policy development. From the MKIO, we have Grand Chief Sydney Garrioch; and Michael Anderson, research director, natural resources secretariat. From the Atlantic Policy Congress of First Nation Chiefs Secretariat Inc., we have Chief Lawrence Paul, co-chair; and John G. Paul, executive director. From the Manitoba Southern Chiefs' Organization, we have Grand Chief Chris Henderson, who I think will be a little late in attendance.
Welcome to all the presenters. We'd like to have opening statements from each of you for close to ten minutes, then we'll proceed with questions.
We'll begin with Madam Eastman or Madam Linklater, whoever will present the submission.