I open the Standing Committee on Aboriginal Affairs and Northern Development meeting of Monday, June 5, 2006.
Committee members, you have the orders of the day in front of you. Today we'll have witnesses and a brief on education of aboriginal people. The witnesses are from the Department of Indian Affairs and Northern Development. We have Mr. Paul LeBlanc, Senior Assistant Deputy Minister, Socio-economic Policy and Regional Operations; Line Paré, Director General of the Education Branch, Socio-economic Policy and Regional Operations; Fred Caron, Assistant Deputy Minister, Office of the Federal Interlocutor for Métis and Non-Status Indians; and Mary Tobin Oates, Senior Adviser in the Inuit Relations Secretariat. Welcome to the meeting. Thank you very much for your attendance.
We'll be having a briefing.
Mr. LeBlanc, would you mind leading off?
Thank you.