Thank you, gentlemen, for having travelled to us to give your point of view.
As you are no doubt aware, the tribunal's decisions will not allow land claims to be settled, but it will be able to award sums of money. Prior consultation is always relevant when legislative provisions involving aboriginal groups are evaluated. In his speech at second reading, on December 4, 2007, the minister described the bill as an example of the spirit of cooperation that must be shown in order to guarantee the success of a new way of dispute resolution. This new way of resolving disputes will affect hundreds of First Nations communities whose claims have not yet been settled.
Last February 6, at this committee, the minister told us that it was his impression that the bill would find significant support among First Nations. I do not know if the consultation happens just when the bill is being tabled or whether you were consulted as it was being developed.
To what extent was your working group consulted and were your regional member groups involved? Can you also tell me if your organization or the communities it represents were asked to contribute to those consultations?