Yes. Thank you, Mr. Chair.
I just wanted to briefly speak to the motion brought forward by Madam Crowder, though you've already encapsulated the course of action that was taken by the opposition members to get us to this stage. Of course, after you ruled this motion inadmissible, the opposition members chose to rule you out of order and make this amendment admissible.
We've been appealing since the start of this debate as to this amendment not only being inadmissible but clearly it is something our government doesn't agree with, as it takes the Canadian Human Rights Act into an area we simply disagree on. We feel the full benefits of the Canadian Human Rights Act should be extended to individuals living under the Indian Act on reserve. This is the opinion of the government members. This is something that clearly there's debate about, there's no question.
In fact, this very amendment is the recommendation that this committee received from the Assembly of First Nations. This was what they suggested to be put into the bill, and it is the viewpoint of that organization, the leadership of that organization. However, as I have stated on a number of occasions at this committee, and as have various members of our government, we feel the full benefits of the Canadian Human Rights Act should be extended to those without influence--they deserve this--within first nations communities, those first nations individuals who don't have access to the powers that might exist in the various forms of governance.
We feel that this very amendment would in all regards simply create a new exemption for people on reserve to not enjoy the benefits of the Canadian Human Rights Act. So should the opposition now choose to rescind this amendment that they voted for, of course this would be agreeable to the government side, as it is the position we've taken. We have all along said that the AFN position on this is not one we agree with. So should the opposition parties choose to vote against this, it would be something, obviously, we would also agree to.