Thank you.
Good morning. It's a great pleasure to have this opportunity to speak to you. I bring greetings from our premier, Dennis Fentie, and also my minister of economic development, Jim Kenyon. Good morning as well to my fellow representatives from the north.
Canada's north has entered a new era. We're experiencing massive social, political, environmental, and economic change, and with that change comes influences that reach beyond our northern borders. We are increasingly making the decisions that will shape the evolution of the territories in the years ahead and create benefits that will affect all Canadians. We are mature, responsible governments and believe that our northern institutions—federal, territorial, aboriginal and municipal—work in partnership with one another. We see a north where the governments have the fiscal capacity to govern and respond effectively to those we serve.
I'd like to begin with Yukon's economic strengths, challenges, and vision for the future. I'll follow that with Yukon's position in respect to the Government of Canada's commitment to establish a regional economic development agency for Canada's north.
Yukon has seen both its tourism and mining sectors affected by the global economic downturn. However, the economy for Yukon remains strong, with a commitment by the Yukon government to stimulate and diversify the private sector economy.
In addition to natural resource development, Yukon is focused on a number of strategic industries, including film and sound, research and development, information technology, tourism, arts and culture, agriculture, forestry, manufacturing, oil and gas, and small business development. For this fiscal year, the Yukon government has tabled a budget of $1.003 billion. This budget responds to the current economic situation by making strategic long-term investments that accomplish short-term targets, including local employment and spinoff benefits for Yukon retailers and suppliers.
Yukon's infrastructure investments create immediate stimulus and long-term economic growth. Some of these investments include building sustainable infrastructure in Yukon communities, including water and sewer systems; enhancing our major highways to support the economic future of Yukon's natural resources; major upgrades to the Whitehorse airport terminal building to maintain its status as an international airport; expanding the existing cell phone service to additional areas; and expanding hydro-generated power to support Yukon communities and the mining industry, while reducing our carbon footprint. These priorities are determined locally and are supported by the federal stimulus package.
To support Yukon's natural resource development, the Yukon government supports a number of incentive programs. These programs, combined with current geoscience databases and a single regulatory process—Yukon Environmental and Socio-economic Assessment Act, or YESAA, as you heard on Tuesday—have made Yukon a worldwide competitor for investment in the mining sector.
Members may recall information about the McCrank report presented to you on Tuesday by Indian and Northern Affairs. You'll note that Yukon's regulatory process, YESAA, was only marginally included in the report, essentially because it is effective. It has drawn praise from the industry. Project proposals are submitted to YESAA and coordinated through first nations, territorial, and federal regulatory processes. The brief discussion about YESAA serves to illustrate another important point. Each territory has unique issues to deal with. Thus, it's important for a new body like the northern agency to remember that one size does not fit all.
Yukon understands that financing and equity investments for major private sector initiatives will come from outside partners, whether from B.C., Alberta, the U.S., Europe, or Asia. Yukon has a strategy for improving the investment climate for responsible development and pursuing investment attraction from a variety of areas. We've already seen some substantial capital investment from Chinese companies and we continue to build our relationship with the Asian region. Yukon's reputation is growing internationally and we have spread the message that Yukon is open for business.
The Yukon government places great importance on partnerships with first nations. The Yukon government is committed to strengthening and sustaining positive relationships with all Yukon first nations governments and the citizens and communities they represent. We believe it's vital to engage first nations in the development of the north. To date, 11 of Yukon's 14 first nations have self-governing agreements in place, and some have already taken advantage of investment opportunities in various industry sectors across Yukon. Community participation is critical to ensure that sustainable development can occur with supportive local involvement.
Capacity development is a priority for first nations, and the Yukon government continues to work with all Yukon first nations and their respective agents in key areas of capacity development to further their participation in the Yukon economy.
Yukon government is assisting with initiatives through the northern strategy trust and also with the creation of an office with the executive council of Yukon government to promote first nation capacity development.
The Department of Economic Development has been working with several Yukon first nations and first nation development corporations to establish regional economic development plans. The creation of a northern economic development agency has come at an opportune time.
Yukon was pleased when the Government of Canada announced its intention to create a northern economic development agency. This means that Canada sees and understands the enormous economic potential in Canada's north and is ready to strategically invest in the resources and the people of the north.
Yukon believes that while the economic development needs of Canada's northern regions have similarities, the geographic, political, and economic realities in the territories make for very unique and specific situations that should not be ignored. Yukon differs from our territorial neighbours because since the 2003 devolution of authorities, the Yukon government has been solely responsible for public lands and resource management over water, forestry, and mineral resources.
Yukon also is unique in being the only territory to have year-round highway access. The Alaska Highway connects us to Alberta and B.C., and our highway connection to Alaska gives us year-round deepwater port access.
We have a single regulatory regime, YESAA, that processes development applications in a streamlined and timely manner. It is Yukon's position that the new agency should be a stand-alone organization with a decentralized decision-making process unique to each territory and responsive to the unique economic development needs of the Yukon. It is also our position that the new agency should complement existing territorial economic development programs and support a partnership approach.
Yukon, along with the Northwest Territories and Nunavut, has developed principles and objectives for initiating discussions with the Government of Canada. These principles and objectives address the importance of efficiency, flexibility, cooperation, partnerships, responsiveness, and progression in the design and operation of the new agency.
The Yukon supports a mandate that promotes the development and diversification of the unique economies within Yukon, the NWT, and Nunavut. We would also like to see a mandate that will advance the interests of the three territories in national economic policy, program and project development, and implementation. To do this, the new agency must work in cooperation with the economic development programs and initiatives developed by the governments of the territories.
I would like to begin by exploring some of the principles we put forth.
We believe the agency should be based in the territories and staffed by resident employees who have familiarity with the operations and economies of the territories. We would love the agency to be structured and resourced as a multi-faceted, stand-alone business unit within a federal department--as are other regional development agencies in Canada--developing policy, delivering programs, and coordinating other federal programs that support territorial economic development.
Our position is that the decision-making authority regarding projects or programs should be collaborative within each territory and in Yukon should include first nations governments. Federal funding should be coordinated with territorial investment and development, avoiding duplication between levels of government and minimizing administrative overhead.
We would like to see a program that is flexible and invests in a wide range of initiatives, including people, enterprises, infrastructure, research, promotion, and planning. We support a partnership approach at the strategic planning level, as it would be effective in ensuring a collaborative approach in achieving mutual objectives.
The programs should complement existing territorial economic development programs and support a partnership approach. We believe that the territorial share of federal programming related to other initiatives should not be diminished by the creation of a regional development agency.
The programs should add to the current level of investment. The programs should in no way limit the obligations of the federal government to provide access and allow the participation of the residents of the territories in existing federal programs.
Finally, Yukon would like to see programs that respond to the unique needs and strategic priorities of each territory.
We look forward to continued collaboration and the start of discussions on the new structure, principles, and implementation of the agency, and we are eager to hear the ideas and concerns of our partners on this tremendous economic initiative in Canada's north. To this end, it is Yukon's recommendation that a federal-territorial working group be established to jointly develop the concept and structure of the agency.
In conclusion, Yukon sees the future benefits of moving forward on this initiative in partnership with the northern territories and the Government of Canada. We look forward to providing more detailed input on the structure and operations of the new agency shortly. I look forward to the establishment of the federal territorial working group that will provide us with a structured forum in which to move forward.
Thank you for your attention. I believe there has been time allocated for questions.