Good morning.
I noticed an overarching question from Mr. BĂ©langer on the spending of the department and where it's allocated. I go back to one of the slides where the non-insured health benefit package actually supplements provincial, territorial, and private insurance. If you try to get into that kind of comparison, I think it's going to be very different on reserve, off reserve, by province or territory. I'm not sure you're going to have an easy time sorting that out. I wanted to put that on the record as a comment, not so much as a question, although you can comment if you choose.
We're meeting with the Australians later today. When you read through their Closing the Gap document, which is new this year, you can see their statistics are similar to ours in so many ways. One thing they've done is to try to set some measurable targets. I'm wondering if we're headed in that same direction, to set six benchmark targets on things like life expectancy, educational attainment, employment attainment, and so on. That's my first question.
Your last slide talks about letters of intent with Mexico and Australia. I'd like to understand more. Maybe you can round that out a little.
Finally, you talk about a letter of understanding with the U.S. Is that specific to cross-border movement, or is that something different?
Those are my questions. Thank you very much.