Thank you, Mr. Chairman.
First of all I would like to thank the committee for hearing us again. For new members, I will introduce my colleagues. I have with me today Commissioner Robert Kanatewat from Chisasibi on James Bay; and Philip Awashish from Mistissini in the interior of Eeyou Istchee.
These two guys are pretty modest, so I won't be on their behalf. They're both signatories to the original James Bay Agreement, and are very familiar with the entire history of negotiations leading to the Cree-Naskapi (of Quebec) Act, the agreement itself, and many of the supplementary agreements. If there's something I don't know--which is quite a lot--they certainly deal with more detailed questions around the history of what's taken place there, as well as some of the current issues.
As the chairman said, we have a relatively brief time this morning. We don't want to waste the committee's time with a lot of background that you can read in our written presentation or in the 2008 report itself. We'll be moving over that rather quickly.
There is legislation on the order paper now amending the Cree-Naskapi (of Quebec) Act. I would like to comment on that because all our reports, including the present one, have addressed the need for amendments to the act.
In preparing these reports--I think everybody has seen one, and this is the four-language edition--we hold hearings, and members of the Cree and Naskapi communities come and make presentations. They're generally pretty well thought out and detailed. So our recommendations in this report generally reflect some of what the community has said, some analysis from ourselves, and some input from government officials and others.
We have many times made recommendations for amendments to the act, including all three times that we've been here. In 1998 we were here and recommended some changes. They were contained in the report of that year. In 2007 we again made recommendations for amendments, and today we're continuing that process.
As you know, the amendments that are currently before the House are the ones the government committed to introducing in this agreement last February, which was an out of court settlement resolving some of the outstanding issues about implementation of the James Bay and Northern Quebec Agreement, signed by Minister Strahl and the Cree leadership in February 2008.
That agreement provided that two amendments would be brought forward. One was to incorporate Ouje-Bougoumou as a band under the agreement and the act. It is not listed in the act at the moment, so technically its bylaws and such are not under the authority of the act. That's a little glitch that needed to be fixed. Naturally they need to be fully recognized in every other respect as a band within the meaning of the act.
There's really not much disagreement on the part of anyone about that. It's really both a symbolic and housekeeping amendment, and we're glad to see it.
We would note, without being unduly cynical about processes, that this has been promised for the last 19 years. Finally the amendment is here. Hallelujah!
The other amendment deals essentially with the empowerment of the Cree Regional Authority, which is the regional government of the Cree Nation of Eeyou Istchee. That empowerment again is in line with recommendations from the Cree leadership and the Cree people. We certainly have no issues with that in principle, or with any of the details in the proposed legislation, certainly not in principle.
Let me say where our concerns lie. This also reflects to some extent what the Cree leadership have told us many times. Some recommendations for changes to the act--housekeeping amendments and all sorts of things--have been recommended for 19 years. We certainly recommended them when we came before this committee, and the Cree leadership has been asking for them.
What are some examples? One that Bill Namagoose, the executive director of the Grand Council of the Crees, mentioned to me not long ago was referenda.
The act, quite properly, requires referenda in order to approve such things as land cessions. After all the Crees have been through, if they were going to give up some land, clearly there would have to be a mandate to do it from the people.
So that's appropriate. But sometimes that results in politically impossible situations. You're all public officials who've been through lots of elections and you know a lot about voters. If the Crees want to transfer a piece of land in a community to the Cree school board to build a Cree school on, they have to have a referendum. Think about it. In your communities, how many folks would come out to vote on a referendum for the municipality to transfer a piece of land to the school board? It doesn't exactly have any political sex appeal. So meeting the quorum required for that referendum is just not going to happen. I understand from the Cree leadership that there are a number of illegal schools.
So you have that kind of thing. Examples that we've mentioned at this committee include the example of the procedure for having an election. It requires nomination, and a certain number of days from nomination to election day, and so on, and the election must be held on that day, etc. Well, the kind of scenario that could unfold would be for a community to have a death in the community and postpone the election for one day, as many communities do. Technically, somebody who lost that election could go and complain that the election was unlawful. Fortunately, we haven't had a complaint of that nature just yet, but we've had some pretty close.
There are a lot of those kinds of housekeeping amendments. They're not contentious. They don't require a year of debate. They don't require an enormous amount of preparation on the part of the legislative drafting folks. They need to be done.
Our concern is that it's taken 19 years to get Ouje-Bougoumou in front of you, and we know legislative agendas are very busy. If we, the Crees, and the Naskapi go back to Indian Affairs and say, “Look, we need all these amendments,” the normal instinct of the bureaucracy will be to say, “Come on now; we can't be running to Parliament every five minutes with amendments for you. We've just been there.” So 20 years from now, we'll still be worrying about whether a school has built legally on a piece of Cree land and whether or not somebody can postpone an election for a day.
Our concern is not with what's in front of you. What's in front of you is good stuff. Our concern is that we're going to be back nagging you in a couple of years, and a few more years after that, saying, “Well, where are these other amendments?” The Crees made it known to the department that they would like to have seen some other issues brought as part of this package, and they're not here. That's our fundamental concern.
My ten minutes seem to be up. I'd like to leave some time for questions and some time for my colleagues to respond to them. As I said earlier, they're the experts.
Thank you, Mr. Chairman.