What we need here is clarity. We haven't uncovered any terrible goings-on that need to be addressed. What we have discovered, though, is that there isn't clarity. If you have a responsibility, you need to know what it is exactly. You need to have some guidelines.
For example—we've had a representation that led us to consider this—suppose there's a big issue confronting a community and the chief asks how the people feel and says, let's have a referendum; what's your position on this issue? They say they want him to put a stop to that resource development.
So then the chief says, I think I have a mandate to address this. He meets with some other chiefs. Together they hire a public relations firm to oppose the resource development. Then they sign a contract...without names, this is true.
Later, somebody tells them to wait a minute, because they don't have a BCR saying they could do that. Well, the chief says, there isn't a bylaw saying I should have one, and I have a mandate from the people. Surely I can spend a few bucks fighting this development that they oppose.
It's either, no, you can't, or, yes, you can. Let's be clear on it. If you must have a BCR or a bylaw in order to spend band funds, let's say so. If a referendum will do, let's say so. I think we need clarity.
Accountability to the funding agencies is pretty clear. Accountability to the community members may not be so clear. This is not to say we think anybody is doing anything wrong; it's to say we need some clarity.
Do either of you guys want to add to this, or is that okay?
I hope that answers your question.