From time to time, there are political issues in communities, as you can imagine. There are questions from time to time about whether someone has acted appropriately in making a decision, whether the process followed was proper. Those frequently come to us.
In looking for guidance on how to resolve those matters and what sort of recommendations to make, we take into account the Cree-Naskapi (of Quebec) Act, obviously. We take into account, if it's relevant, the agreement. We take into account traditional customary law. It isn't always easy to reconcile all of those things.
One of the issues is what is a matter of ethics and what is a matter of political judgment? If a government of any political stripe makes a decision, I can get up and yell about it and say that I don't agree, and it's unethical, and it's wrong, and blah, blah, blah. If there's a code of ethics, it's helpful, because then we can separate things that really are unethical according to what's in front of us, accepted standards, and things that are just not agreed with politically. There's a big difference, as you very well know.
That's the kind of thing I think we need to get at: what are the ethical standards the community expects to see from their leadership and their employees, and so on? It helps if that's written down, because then there are fewer arguments about it later.