Thank you very much.
I'm going to take one of the government spots to do a couple of administrative things. Then I'll ask a couple of questions, if I can get through that in the time allowed.
In your opening comments, Ms. Webb, you made reference to a couple of different items. I wonder if it would be possible for us to receive these documents for the benefit of the committee. The first you referred to was an MOU signed by INAC and Inuit leaders in 2008, which led to the formation of NEDCIN. Second, you mentioned a work plan that NEDCIN had done up. It would be very helpful if we could get a copy of that as well. Third, you referred to a position that you took in respect to working with CanNor and to that relationship. You mentioned, for example, a position on how ITK might work with the agency. Finally, quite a number of draft documents were mentioned at the end of your presentation. I accept, of course, that they are in draft form, but if they could be available for our consideration, it would be extremely helpful.
I'll go now to my questions.
First, several times you made reference in a roundabout way to the fact that things are done a certain way in southern Canada, and that when we export that approach to the north, it becomes problematic. I think there was a reference to the education program and I think there were others. Do you have some thoughts on how that cultural difference would be best addressed? What would you recommend to begin to address that problem and make sure the programs or initiatives, when they are implemented in the north, could at least consider that issue?