Good afternoon.
Wai xast skelhalt ipsi nuxsil. Encha es quist Ascasiwt.
I would first like to begin by acknowledging and paying my respects to the Algonquin grandmothers, mothers, and granddaughters of this territory. I also extend that recognition to the traditional and spiritual leaders, as well as to the elected officials of the Algonquin people.
I would also like to thank the committee for the opportunity to be here to make our presentation. Chief David Walkem is going to undertake the more comprehensive aspect of our presentation.
I would like to read the most recent resolution from the Union of B.C. Indian Chiefs, which is a political organization that has existed in the province of British Columbia since 1969. It's interesting to note that it was the indigenous women who raised the funds and created the resources to bring the organization forward as a political voice for their issues.
It's the resolution of the Union B.C. Indian Chiefs, Chiefs Council, March 17 to 18, 2010, Vancouver, B.C. “Resolution no. 2010-08 RE: Bill C-3”:
WHEREAS the appropriate approach to determining citizenship is one that is based within the laws and traditions of Indigenous Peoples; and,
WHEREAS Bill C-3 does not acknowledge Indigenous laws, nor has Canada made space for these discussions to occur in drafting these amendments to the Indian Act; and,
WHEREAS Bill C-3 amendments will not address the many aspects of discrimination against Indigenous women and their descendants that continue to exist in the Indian Act. Importantly, the second generation cut-off provisions will continue to mean that the numbers of status Indians decline in the long run, and that people who are recognized under the laws of their own communities and nations as being citizens will continue to be denied status;
WHEREAS Canada has not articulated an adequate plan to assist and properly resource Indigenous communities in addressing the increase in status Indians and Band members that will result from Bill C-3 and has instead created a situation that will further fracture Indigenous Nations, communities and families.
THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the UBCIC Chiefs Council adopt the Position Paper on Bill C-3 presented by the Bill C-31 Working Group, as amended from the floor of the UBCIC Chiefs Council;
THEREFORE BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the UBCIC Chiefs Council direct the UBCIC Executive, Staff and Bill C-31 Working Group, to:
Approach other Indigenous organizations to work collaboratively to address the amendments to the Indian Act that are being proposed by Canada to respond to the Indian Act under Bill C-31;
Seek standing for the UBCIC Executive to appear before the House Standing Committee considering these amendments;
Undertake an active lobby effort aimed at educating federal Members of Parliament and Members of the Senate (including the Minister of Indian and Northern Affairs and federal parties' aboriginal affairs critics) about this issue and seek to lobby for more inclusive amendments to Bill C-3;
Support actions required by UBCIC communities to respond to the impact that Bill C-3 may have, including highlighting education within the communities of the potential impacts;
Explore opportunities to work with UBCIC member nations and communities to articulate Indigenous laws about citizenship as an alternate to the status based process that Canada currently follows, including that the UBCIC Chiefs Council mandate the Bill C-31 Working Group to plan, organize and implement an Indigenous Citizenship Action Plan based on Indigenous laws;
Produce public education materials, arrange for speaking engagements to build public support. Include use of popular media and social networking resources to ensure that strong and clear messaging is available to all First Nations in British Columbia regardless of location;
Explore bringing a legal challenge to the process that Canada followed in bringing Bill C-3 forward without the consultation and consent of Indigenous nations;
Therefore, be it finally resolved that the UBCIC Chiefs Council appoint the following representatives to join and be active participants of the Bill C-31 Working Group: Chief Nelson Leon, Adams Lake Indian Band; Chief David Walkem, Cook's Ferry Indian Band; Chief Donna Gallinger, Nicomen Indian Band.
It was moved by Ko'waintco Michel, Nooaitch Indian Band; seconded by Chief Jonathan Kruger, Penticton Indian Band; and carried.
With that, we'll go to Chief David Walkem.