Good afternoon, ladies and gentlemen, members, witnesses, and guests. I'm delighted to have you back. We have a very busy two-hour meeting in front of us today.
These will be our last 45 minutes hearing from witnesses on the issue of the Aboriginal Healing Foundation. I should indicate that this study is pursuant to Standing Order 108(2).
Today we welcome Regional Chief Bill Erasmus. He is joined by Elder Joseph Williams.
I'd also like to acknowledge that we have in our gallery here today National Chief Shawn Atleo.
It's good to see you back here. We appreciate your interest in this ongoing study.
As I said, we have 45 minutes to get through this first section. These will be our last witnesses, although we will be continuing the study later this afternoon with instructions to the analysts, as well as a short segment on our consideration of the northern economic development.
Let's go directly to Regional Chief Erasmus.
I'm sure you've done this before, Chief. We'll start with a ten-minute presentation for both of you. Then we'll go directly to questions from members.
Go ahead.