Gentlemen, I am pleased to hear from you. I will probably address our clerks and analysts, because I get the impression that, by undertaking a study like this, we did not know what we were getting into. I think the first 24 pages of the briefing notes should simply have a glossary, an index of who does what.
For example, Pan Arctic Inuit Logistics Inc. is owned and controlled by Inuit from the four land claim regions, Nunavut, Inuvialuit, and so on, and Pan Arctic's seven shareholders... There is a lot of that!
Do you know who is in charge of what and, above all, are you able to control who does what? It seems there are a lot of people suddenly interested in what is happening in the north, and, as a member of Parliament, I ask myself a serious question. Who does what and do you have any control over who does what? Good luck!