Good afternoon, Ms. Jauvin, Mr. Minister and Mr. Wernick.
No doubt, Mr. Minister, you expect me to ask you about the new project, although I asked the committee this week to hold a meeting specifically on this program.
But I do have one question. It comes on the heels of the meetings we had—and Canada Post was involved in those discussions. We know that in Nunavut, for example, there was some argument over Canada Post's administration of the program. One question, in particular, emerged: is it possible that the definition of the program, especially regarding the products in question, was not clear enough and could allow products to pass that should not? Should we blame....
You said that it cost $2.5 million a year to have Canada Post administer the program. That is definitely not reflected in the total cost of the program.
That being said, do you think the advisory board you mentioned will be able to carry out audits in each of the communities served for the same price as Canada Post?