Good afternoon, members.
We're going to get started as quickly as we can here today. We have one hour to hear from two of the last of several that we have left to finish our study on northern economic development. We know this to be specifically barriers and solutions that prevent economic development in the north. We'll get to our witnesses in a moment.
As I say, we only have one hour, members, and then we'll be taking a brief suspension and then going in camera to consider the report for the study on the Aboriginal Healing Foundation.
You'll also know that we will be having bells at 5:15, so we'll take as much time as we think we can here, and then we'll have to finish up.
On the orders of the day, we welcome here today first Lawrence Connell. Lawrence is the corporate director of sustainable development for Agnico-Eagle Mines Limited. And we also welcome John Stevenson, who is the manager of Nunavut Resources Corporation.
Gentlemen, we will essentially start off with a presentation of up to ten minutes from each of you. We will do them in succession, and after that we'll go to questions from members.
So let's begin with Mr. Connell, for ten minutes. You have the floor.