Thank you very much.
Thank you for being here. I've come into this study part way through, so I've missed some of your previous visits to the committee.
You talk in your presentation, Mr. Robillard, about the 202 projects and the investment of $32 million. My questions are related to consultation. I'm curious to know what consultation took place as it related to those projects. Then on May 3 you talked about how, through the Northern Project Management Office, you've undertaken engagement activities with the industry regulators, etc. I'm interested in knowing about that consultation process.
Then the department announced in June, just a few days ago, that it will be holding national and regional consultations with key individuals to develop the framework for aboriginal economic development. Again, I'd like to know what the criteria for the consultations will be, and how you will determine who will or will not be consulted. So I'm interested in the whole consultation process, and--as I'm reminded by my colleague, which I should have remembered--what kind of gender analysis you're doing as well.
My final question to you is we've heard much here from various private sector bodies and others about the overriding need for educational attainment in order to foster economic development, and I'm interested to know whether you or your organization will have any role in skills development or partnering or levering in any way or any capacity whatsoever.