Good afternoon honorable members. I welcome the witnesses and guests. This is the 33rd meeting of the Standing Committee for Aboriginal Affairs and Northern Development.
Pursuant to Standing Order 108(2) and the agenda, we are going to proceed with the study on Nutrition North Canada. This afternoon, I am pleased to welcome our five witnesses. I invite Mr. Andy Morrison, Chief Executive Officer of Arctic Co-operatives Limited, to give his presentation as our first witness.
Before we get under way, I will say that we have allowed about five minutes for each of your presentations. If you are reading from a written presentation, it is good to keep the pace fairly modest, more or less the way I'm speaking right now. It helps for the simultaneous translation that is available to the members, and to the guests we have in the room, as well.
Take your time. We'll get through each of the presentations. After that, we will go to questions from members. They have a certain time allotted, and we'll tell you more about that when the time comes.
I see that most of you have the audio in. You'll be needing that through the course of the meeting as well
Let's go to Mr. Morrison. You have five minutes, sir.