Thank you, Mr. Chairman.
First of all, I'd like to thank all the witnesses for coming today. It's an important issue that we are talking about, this Nutrition North Canada, and I thank you for your presentations today.
I'm sure you're all aware that the purpose of the Nutrition North program, as the Minister of Health has said, is to provide nutritious food to the first nations. It also ensures that they get to see the subsidy that the Nutrition North program is going to provide for them and that subsidies are no longer provided on non-nutritional items. Somebody mentioned that there will be an audit by INAC. On December 1, the subsidized items will be posted on the website for Nutrition North.
I'd also advise you that there have been names submitted for the review committee. I suspect that these will be announced shortly. I don't have the details yet. However, the people appointed to this board will be able to review what's going on with the program and provide input to make changes. It's an open process and we'll have opportunities to see how that's going to work.
Mr. Ballingall, you talked about the competition in the air industry. I think that is an important factor for providing lower-cost foods. You talked about potentially getting those products there more quickly. With Cargojet, are you looking at other opportunities besides what you mentioned in your opening statement?