Thanks, Mr. Chair.
I thank the witnesses for coming in today.
I thank the Chief Mercredi and Darryl McDonald for coming in. It's a long haul to get here with all the communities you have to fly through.
In previous discussions we've had, you mentioned the Northern Store. We know how much of a cartel the Northern Store is in communities across northern Canada. We see what the prices are for certain non-perishables. We look at the Coca-Cola products, the Pepsi products, and all the products that are in the stores. Mr. Bélanger mentioned that milk is a lot more expensive than pop.
We talked about Nutrition North and all of the items that will be posted on the website on December 1. For the study we're doing here, can you give me information on further costs and what types of steps you're taking in trying to promote healthier nutrition in northern Saskatchewan, especially with Fond du Lac being one of the most northern communities in Saskatchewan? You mentioned in the airport about the community forming a co-op, so I wonder if I can get some further elaboration there.
You also mentioned that you're looking at chartering a plane to go once a week into northern Saskatchewan to haul in the non-perishables and then, as the plane is leaving, offering lower rates for people to go to the cities. Can you add some more detail on that topic for this committee, please?