Welcome to the committee members, our witnesses and our guests. This is the 36 th meeting of the Standing Committee on Aboriginal Affairs and Northern Development.
Pursuant to Standing Order 108(2), we are continuing our study on Nutrition North Canada.
We welcome four witnesses here this afternoon.
I would also say, members, that this is the last meeting at which we'll be hearing testimony on the study subject. We'll go through each of our four presentations today.
I'm sure that some of you have done this before or have at least been in the audience. For those of you who have not done this before, customarily we go through the presentations for each of the four, and then we open it up to questions and responses from witnesses.
The members will have a number of questions, I'm sure. That's the most interesting part of our committee hearing. I shouldn't say that, because of course, your presentations are absolutely interesting, and we'll be welcoming them here this afternoon. As I've said, this will wrap up our testimony. After this, we'll be going into consideration of a draft report.
I think we'll go in the same order you see listed on the agenda here today.
With that, we welcome Mr. Ben Ryan, who is here representing the organization Air North, which we have heard about to this point in the testimony.
Please, Mr. Ryan, go ahead with your presentation. You have about five minutes. There are four of you here today. We'll allow you a little bit of extra time, but nothing close to 10 minutes because of the number of witnesses here this afternoon.
Go ahead, Mr. Ryan.