Thank you, Mr. Lemay. We take note of your first question. We will make all the necessary research and will send the answer to this committee. It is indeed a very serious issue, and we will enquire about it as diligently as possible.
As to the second question, it has to do with methodology and the way we present our financial data. If that is of any help, we can prepare for your committee a chart showing the estimates, the approved amounts and the spent amounts.
What you see in the Public Accounts of Canada is a snapshot of final results, that is the total amount of what has been spent, within about a dollar. The difference is often due to the fact that things were not completed, or there is an agreement or a project. We often ask Parliament's approval, through this committee, to do what is called "reprofiling", that is to carry over any money from a given fiscal year so it can be spent during the next fiscal year. Therefore, this money is not returned to the fund, in most cases, like the claims. It is spent during the following year. I think we can easily prepare a chart showing that almost all the allotted funds is probably spent during the following fiscal year.