We're going to talk about the components of the strategy, and there will be more time for questions on that. I'm going to provide you with an overview, and then Patti and Ruth will go into the details of what is accomplished to date.
One design criteria for the strategy was that it needed to be a blended model. It needed to allow for flexible access—anytime, anywhere access. We needed to have flexible entry points and exit points, recognizing the previous experience of lands managers, and it needed to be self-paced for some aspects and community-paced for others. We have an “always on” approach to it; it's a 24-7 approach.
The blend is a blend between face-to-face and online learning. All the resources that we have available, and many that we'll talk about and show you later help to build our online knowledge repository. This is a growing and dynamic place for people to access their resources.
As Graham mentioned, there are five main audiences for this strategy. It's a multi-audience approach. The contents are repurposed and revised as needed by the different audiences. This both contributes to the scalability of the model, and maximizes the investment that's happening in course development.
There are also five main components of the strategy. I'll speak to each of them quickly so that you can have a sense of it. We're more than happy to link out and show you some of the online pieces as we get into the question and answer part of this presentation.
The first component is the certification program, whose audience is the lands governance directors themselves. The program has been designed based on the competencies required by lands governance directors. More than 500 tasks have been identified that lands governance directors are required to do. They fall under 15 key theme areas, and that's what this program is based on.
We have three levels of certification, as you can see on the slide. Each level has a fundamental course aspect. These are courses that are specific to the framework. Consequently, they do not exist elsewhere; you cannot buy these courses elsewhere. These are courses that are being built by framework agreement first nations experts.
The technical courses are more generic, and are courses that we are licensing or brokering from existing post-secondary institutions, because there's no point in reinventing the wheel. GIS introduction would be a good example of a technical-style course.
Each level of the certification has been designed for equivalency and accreditation within our Canadian post-secondary system. Completion of level one would result in a certificate; completion of level two, a diploma; and completion of level three, a degree. To recognize the diverse backgrounds that lands governance directors bring and the wealth of experience that they bring, the fundamental entry point is a prior learning assessment. Each individual will have the prior learning assessment and a personalized learning plan created to move through the certification program.
The next component of the strategy is the virtual resource centre. This is a secure, personalized learning environment. There's a very small image of it showing on the slide. It provides our audience with 24-7 access to templates, resources, guidelines, checklists, and samples of all aspects of lands governance. All of the resources can be downloaded by individuals, they can be modified, they can be used, and they can be shared. They all come from existing framework agreement first nations.
We also have online short courses—we call them courselets—as well as specific-topic blog posts that populate onto this space. The interface itself can be customized by the individual user. They are able to add and remove content as their needs change, moving through from developmental to operational, for example.
The third component of the strategy is these online courselets. While the LG program—the lands governance certification program—has big, bulky courses, these little courselets are meant to be short, quick hits on specific topics related to land governance. They're about 30 to 40 minutes in duration. They're self-paced. They're all online. They've been designed by our framework agreement experts. They can be downloaded, and used within communities like PowerPoint presentations. They also have a wealth of attachments that go with them, which people can reuse, download, and use as templates or samples.
The fourth component is the one that I'm very excited about and that you will hear more about. It's our online community. We call it our meeting place. It's a secure space that enables all of our audiences, at different levels and in different groups, to talk, share, collaborate, discuss, debate, and basically connect with each other to build that network.
There are online discussion groups on specific topics related to land governance. There is supporting documentation and information. We also have a series of webinars that we do that are recorded and put in this space. The discussion forums are used for pre-webinar preparation, and then to carry on the conversation after the webinar in an online environment, so that we can have the opportunity to have more conversation.
Our meeting place has a full-time community moderator. This is in keeping with best practices for online communities. Together with the user needs, the moderator works to ensure that educational programming in that space is efficient, effective, and useful to the learners.
Our last component is the face-to-face part. These are face-to-face workshops. They are requested by framework agreement first nations. They are designed in consultation with each community to meet the unique needs of the community. We also now have this growing body of content that has been accumulated that we can repurpose and adjust as needed, so we're not starting from scratch each time. The workshops are designed and delivered by the capacity-building team, as well as by the resource centre staff.
That's very quickly the 30,000-foot view of the strategy. I'm going to turn it over to Ruth, who is going to speak to some of the specific components, and let you know where we are to date, so that you can get a sense of what has been accomplished.