Thank you, Chief Louie.
Good afternoon, Mr. Chair.
Good afternoon to all the honourable members of this committee. As mentioned, I am Austin Bear, chief of the Muskoday Cree Nation, Treaty 6, in what is now the province of Saskatchewan.
Mr. Chair, committee members, thank you for this opportunity to be here this afternoon. Previously, the Lands Advisory Board and the resource centre have indicated the purpose of the framework agreement and the economic development benefits for the 58 signatories for first nations at this time.
Today we would like to focus on how the resource centre works with the signatory first nations and the framework agreement to build capacity in land and environmental governance, land-use planning, and professional development.
With Chief Louie and me is Dr. Graham Powell. Dr. Powell is the executive director of the resource centre. So, if I may, I would at this time defer to Dr. Powell. Thank you.