Thank you.
Tansi, bonjour, bon après-midi, and good afternoon.
I would also like to honour and acknowledge that I have been invited to the traditional territory of the Algonquin people to make this submission.
Thank you for the opportunity you have extended to us to appear here today.
I am Lucy Pelletier, a member of the Cowessess First Nation within the Treaty 4 territory within the province of Saskatchewan. I serve as the chairperson of the board of directors of the National Aboriginal Capital Corporations Association, otherwise known NACCA, in addition to serving as the chairperson of the Saskatchewan Indian Equity Foundation. Accompanying me today are Ian Donald, our interim CEO, and Kevin Schindelka, our director of corporate development.
Our first point is on the aboriginal economy. Many aboriginal communities are now beginning to capitalize on the emerging opportunities provided by court judgments, land settlements, new revenue sources, the new economy, resource development, and export markets. They are also adapting mainstream business practices to their own values and cultures in order to create jobs, grow incomes, and generate wealth for their community.
This is being reflected in the rapid growth of entrepreneurship and aboriginal businesses, which in turn is generating increased demand for both debt and equity capital. More varied types of financing are also being required as individual aboriginal businesses grow larger and progress through their life cycles. In addition to more traditional term financing, there is increasing demand for seed capital and youth entrepreneur loans, larger term loans, operating loans, surety services, quasi-equity or subordinated debt, and equity financing.
Our second point is on aboriginal business clients. However, the characteristics of many of these aboriginal businesses continue to present difficult challenges to most sources of capital. For example, they are predominantly small and medium-sized enterprises, or SMEs. Whether these are mainstream or aboriginal businesses, SMEs, for financial institutions, generally represent relatively higher transaction costs and the perception of higher risk resulting from their smaller size and their more limited management capacities. These factors are often accentuated by a relative lack of equity capital and an overreliance on debt financing.
Aboriginal businesses often present additional financing challenges resulting from social and economic development factors. These can include even more limited management capacities than their mainstream counterparts, less familiarity with commercially oriented debt management practices, and a greater proportion of early-stage businesses.
Finally, on-reserve businesses present further challenges related to section 89 of the Indian Act, which include differing commercial cultures, fewer incorporated businesses due to the tax-free status, a greater focus on the recurring natural resource sectors, and more limited market opportunities for remote locations.
In regard to aboriginal financial institutions, Canada’s network of aboriginal financial institutions, or AFIs, is the primary source of developmental financing and management support services across Canada for those aboriginal businesses that cannot secure such financing from mainstream financing institutions. The network has evolved over time and currently comprises aboriginal capital corporations, aboriginal-controlled community futures development centres, aboriginal-controlled business development centres, and privately capitalized aboriginal developmental lenders. Of the 60 AFIs comprising the network, 53 are members of NACCA and represent first nations, Inuit, and Métis communities in each of Canada’s provinces and territories.
Each AFI is unique with respect to its structure, capacities, performance, client focus, services, and the territories it serves. All AFIs are fiercely independent and accountable to their own community. Their community roots give them a unique ability to place more reliance on community-based creditworthiness assessment to supplement deficiencies in their clients’ financial situations. This results in a very high acceptance rate for new accounts and relatively good loan performance. Through ownership of their AFIs, aboriginal communities have been able to exercise control over the decision-making process and thereby generate the culturally sensitive change that will have the greatest impact on their communities.
NACCA's national office is increasingly developing its capacity to enhance the institutional capacity of each member AFI to support its AFI membership, much like a credit union central works to support individual credit union members. In this context, it is providing an ever-expanding range of targeted and often customized support services, including program administration, customs training, best practices, loan management systems, new product development and testing, research and analysis, performance measurement systems, and communications strategies.
In terms of financial performance, each year AFIs provide approximately 500 new business start-up loans and 700 expansion or modernization loans, totalling $100 million, to aboriginal small businesses. This financing assists these small businesses to create or support the equivalent of nearly 4,000 full-time jobs. Since 1985, AFIs have received a total of $235 million from the federal government in contributed and repayable loan capital. During that period, they have provided over 36,000 loans, aggregating over $1.5 billion dollars, and over $1.2 billion of these loans have now been repaid. The overall AFI loan loss experience is approximately 6%, which compares very favourably to the 13% experienced by the Canada small business financing program. At March 31, 2011, the consolidated AFI loan portfolio comprised some 4,000 loans valued at $238 million.
In terms of strategic priorities, NACCA's current strategic plan for the period of 2012 to 2014 is based on four priorities that are intended to enhance our service to our aboriginal business clients and, by extension, to the greater aboriginal economy. These are as follows: one, increasing the financial viability of AFIs; two, improving AFI access to loan capital; three, developing the capacity, skills, and professionalism of AFIs; and four, enhancing AFI services to respond effectively to the changing needs of our business clients.
In this context, NACCA AFIs are encouraged by AANDC's increased focus on aboriginal economic development issues, particularly the small business development component as expressed in the new federal framework. We believe this framework could greatly assist us in achieving our four strategic objectives and have been approaching these priorities through two complementary, parallel activity streams: one, the joint AANDC-NACCA program renovation working groups and committees developing new programming approaches, operating concepts, and implementation plans for consideration by ministers and central agencies; two, independent NACCA-led initiatives developing complementary programming. AANDC staff will participate where appropriate and when available.
I’d like to briefly summarize the approaches currently being undertaken within these two activity streams.
Number one is increasing the financial viability of AFIs. This priority focuses on ensuring the financial sustainability of AFIs engaging in pre-commercial developmental lending to a geographically dispersed clientele despite the challenges of higher operational, lending, and capital costs, and the provision of associated advisory and support services required.
The primary issue here is that the overall financial model for AFIs is unsustainable. AFI lending costs comprise 10% for administration, plus 6% for losses, for a total of 16%, versus loan portfolio revenue of 9%. This leaves an unfunded gap of 7%.
Discussions with AANDC officials to date have focused on addressing this shortfall by establishing a performance-based allocation program to offset the AFI lending cost shortfall as well as by restructuring current AANDC loan capitalization programs to better respond to the reduced liquidity of AFIs that has resulted from this flawed funding model.
Number two is improving AFI access to loan capital.
To date approximately 90% of the AFI loan capital has come from the federal government, with the remaining 10% coming from the private sector. However, based on the increase in demand for AFI loans over the past decade, AFIs will need to secure an additional $100 million to $150 million in loan capital over the next decade. Since the federal government cannot reasonably be expected to support this level of funding on an ongoing basis, new approaches targeting much greater participation by aboriginal sources and the private sector must be launched as soon as possible.
Initiatives currently being addressed with AANDC include enhancing AANDC's loan capital interest rate buy-down program, refining the loan loss reserve approach, and establishing and capitalizing a NACCA treasury function to attract wholesale capital.
Internally, NACCA will be examining the use of bonds, debentures, and other innovative financial instruments; structuring syndication frameworks; and developing methodologies for liquidity pools.
Number three is developing the capacity, skills, and professionalism of AFIs. This priority is intended to further the AFIs' strategic focus on sound operating standards and on building a capacity equivalent to the credit union central within the AFI network. NACCA member AFIs have already developed a number of tools to enhance AFI operations—for example, a risk-measurement tool for AFI loans, a performance-measurement database and related monitoring reports, and a number of custom on-site, distance, and accredited learning programs.
During the strategic planning period, collaboration between NACCA and AANDC should result in enhancement of the governance and capacity-building elements of AANDC's Access to Capital program and development of a comprehensive performance measurement framework for AFIs.
Internally, NACCA will be expanding its custom training products, enhancing its AFI loan management systems, developing a structured database for best practices and critical standards, and developing generic personnel and financial administration manuals for its members.