Thank you very much, Vice-Chief Hardlotte.
Also, Mr. Johnson, I think your input is quite appreciated here. I know that some of the information you've provided certainly is enlightening to some of us.
With respect to the environmental piece, I was part of the delegation that travelled last week to some of the first nations communities. What was interesting was that one of them made it very clear that they certainly were not looking at moving forward on the First Nations Land Management Act until there was a cleanup of their environmental sites—the land that was impacted by the environment. We had another first nation that basically said the same thing, and they were leery about even buying additional land at this point, because of the addition to reserve issue.
I'm just trying to get some sense of this, because it's not just about the land itself. It's also about the health and well-being of people. So when you're looking at wanting to diversify yourselves and at going into the economic development part of it, if you're going to buy this land, you want to make sure your community will still be healthy at the end of the day.
I know that health crises on reserve are often directly related to the environmental contamination. Look at my riding, for example, where Serpent River First Nation has faced contamination in the past from contaminated water. Similarly, we just have to look at Grassy Narrows, where the waters were contaminated by mercury as well.
So when people are looking to diversify, whether it's their land or the water near their land, it's very difficult to accept that type of responsibility. As you said, that's something that needs to be cleaned up. The first nation was telling us that they're just not going anywhere with the government's commitment to clean that up.
In some areas, I see first nations not being able to take advantage of the First Nations Land Management Act because of this contamination. I appreciate the fact that, as you indicated a while ago when Jonathan asked his questions, it is the responsibility of the federal government, but I just don't know how successful that can be.
I know you've done quite a bit of research on that, so I'm just wondering if you have anything to add.