I have a brief comment.
The parliamentary secretary has suggested that we could amend this bill. We have problems with the disclosure of private business information. We have problems with putting it on the Internet. We have problems with the government-to-government relationship this bill infringes on. And the new one is, we're not even getting the right information to the members of the band with this information. If you characterize this bill as a thoroughbred horse, it has three broken legs. The best thing to do with it would probably be to shoot it. It's not going to work for you.
With the Financial Management Board you have and the 98 bands that are interested in participating—I have a couple of questions. How long has it been in place? Could this have been moved forward more quickly with more resources attached to it by the Government of Canada? Are there ways we can enhance the turnover of bands to financial management acts? Is it possible to accelerate the process?