Mr. Chair, there are a number of limitations and drawbacks inherent in conducting a review of the statute after five years.
In Nunavut, in particular, it may well be that within the first five years of the act's operation, only one or two major projects would be the subject of environmental assessment. This would seem to be a very limited sample from which to try to draw any meaningful conclusions. In addition, such reviews often consume more resources, both financial and human, than are saved by marginal improvements resulting from what can turn out to be a very lengthy process.
In respect of Ms. Bennett's specific amendment, the scope for changes is limited because the large majority of the act implements provisions in the Nunavut Lands Claim Agreement, and in the end it must be consistent with the agreement.
It's important to remember that these institutions have been up and running for more than 15 years under the land claim. This process used the 15 years of experience in drafting this bill in making the additions and improvements that it includes.