It is, and that's where I would go with my third answer as well. I think we'd like to be part of a process. The CBA could provide considerable assistance in a process of trying to reimagine a regime for Indian wills and estates, to improve on the existing regime in areas in which it could be concurrent or congruent with provincial and territorial regimes, and then in areas in which a special distinction would still need to be made for land on Indian reserves—that kind of thing.
There is also a host of other pieces of legislation that have to be kept in mind and make it even more complex. You have the matrimonial real property on reserve; that's coming into force soon. You have land codes under the First Nations Land Management Act. All of these different regimes have different land consequences for Indians with land on reserve as they try to pass it on to their beneficiaries.
So I think we would love to be part of an ongoing dialogue about how to reform this particular area. That's as much as I can say today, I think.