Yes, I do. I do not begrudge MP Rob Clarke for making an attempt to tackle the problems posed by the Indian Act. I think that the sentiment is good. However, as I stated in my comments, to me the real challenge is not whether or not to get rid of the Indian Act, but rather what is the process that is going to replace it going to look like.
If we are starting down a path that is all about imposing legislation without consultation with first nations people, then I don't think that's the right path. If we are going to really devote the time, energy, and resources and if we are really committed to doing this right and moving past the Indian Act era, then the process by which the legislation is designed and then ultimately implemented is very important and it needs to reflect a new relationship, which is one that I see embodied by many Canadians from coast to coast to coast, which is that people want to move past the era of paternalism.
What I see happening more and more today is that people understand that indigenous peoples have our own cultures, our own laws, our own ways of doing things, and that these are worthy of respect and they need to be taken into account when legislation is being designed.
Yes, I would agree with such a motion, mainly because I think that the bill as proposed is set on a foundation that is one of paternalism and does not reflect true consultation with first nations people.