In a way it's like they're providing a service to the communities. The issue is that if you're a municipality in Nova Scotia or wherever, you have to follow what the provincial law is. You have to follow what regime there is in the province in the provision of water. If they're providing me with water and they're also under the provincial regime....
I know in my own community, we have an MTA with the Cape Breton Regional Municipality. We have the expectation that CBRM is liable in terms of provision of the water and being able to meet the provincial standards in terms of quality and in terms of service. They clearly understand that in our discussions.
In the communities, that's the kind of discussion you have to have, basically. You have to fully understand that and be clear about it.
I think open dialogue and communication, as they were talking about, is the way to address it. You have to talk about these serious issues, whether it is around liability or concerns.