There's a couple of things there.
The person who led the charge in Alberta to get the drinking water safety plan approach actually immigrated to Alberta from Scotland, so he brought that expertise and brought some people familiar with what was going on there to actually do things on the ground in Alberta.
The thing about Scotland is they did not privatize their water utilities like England and Wales did. They kept them under, essentially, the equivalent of a crown corporation, but their realities are similar realities to many of those a lot of small communities in Canada. When they looked at what WHO had come out with in the water safety plan approach, they said, “This is what we need to do.” For these smaller communities, “You need to have the people on the ground aware of where the threats are coming from, and aware of what they can and can't do.”
Something I didn't say in my remarks, but which is one of the most important things, is to know when to call for help. Let's face it: you're not going to put people with Ph.D.s with chemical engineering into communities of 200 people, a thousand miles away from anywhere.