My name is Mathew Hoppe. I am the OFNTS technical manager. I oversee the circuit rider training program and engineering services.
In terms of the current infrastructure gap, since the release of the national engineering assessment for first nations, and completion of the recent water and wastewater plant inspections in Ontario, baseline data is now available to assist in the development and implementation of a strategy for remote first nations' capacity development and sustainable water operations.
First nations are utilizing this baseline data and comparing it to current operational maintenance and future infrastructure needs. Unfortunately, when one compares first nations' needs and reviews the projected water and wastewater funding allocations, these values significantly differ. These findings confirm that there is an opportunity to investigate options on how first nations and government can close this expanding infrastructure gap.
With these challenges, the federal government is increasing and prioritizing existing funding to high-risk facilities. While this is an understandable approach, it contributes to the neglect and premature rust-out of other facilities due to a lack of appropriate operations and maintenance funding.
During the past two years, AANDC has completed regional water and wastewater facility inspections. They used the same assessment criteria from the national engineering assessment. Upon completion of the inspection reports, the deficiency results were released to first nations, but the risk rankings of the results were withheld.
First nations continue to voice concerns about being responsible for inadequate, underfunded, under-designed facilities that do not meet current design best practices or regional standards. This can be extended to water main distribution systems that were not adequately sized or that have insufficient reservoir storage capacity that provincial systems require for fire protection requirements. The same could be said for wastewater facilities that will require substantial upgrades to meet the new federal guidelines.
The risk here is that first nations will be responsible for meeting increased standards with inadequate infrastructure and will provide lower fire suppression response services when compared to their municipal neighbours.
First nations do not want to be held responsible for facilities or distribution systems that do not meet current design standards or may require substantial upgrades to be compliant. An approach that is an ongoing challenge is to allow first nations an opportunity to investigate collective solutions and build on successful initiatives, such as the circuit rider training program and investment in the support mechanisms through tribal councils and political organizations that assist and advise Ontario first nations.
Recent reductions in tribal council funding formulas will significantly impact on their ability to provide services. With all of the various competing community priorities that are perpetually under-resourced, first nations are taking a closer look at their existing and future infrastructure needs, and recognize that the development of a community plan on current data is essential.
First nations continue to express a strong desire to operate and maintain their facilities; however, the reality of imposing a regulated regime using existing federal funding allocations may limit progressive first nations and negatively impact troubled first nations. A balanced approach would not only address these progressive first nations but also offer support to first nations that may need guidance and support.
Another factor to be considered is that legislation gives the federal government the ability to outsource the management of water and wastewater facilities to non-first nation entities. The money spent on first nations' infrastructure and maintenance should be an economic driver for communities. This feature of the legislation prevents that and gives no opportunity for the development of first nation capacity, either as individuals or communities.
The balanced approach is not limited to logistically challenged first nations, and should not limit the autonomy of larger and progressive first nation water laws. Regulatory compliance should not withhold first nations or negatively impact self-government water initiatives that are currently under way.
Sustainability can be achieved through a collective approach to maintaining facilities and a regulated environment; however, it must be developed through a collaborative first nation and government strategy with appropriate funding streams to administer it.
In closing, first nations recognize that sustainable and quality drinking water is directly linked to ongoing capital reinvestments, a structured environment, and development of a trained and skilled workforce.
If water regulations are developed, a balanced first nation approach must be an integral part of the development of the regulations and the implementation process to provide a sustainable drinking water approach. The government's Budget 2012 announcement of an investment of $338 million over two years was encouraging. First nations and their technical advisers continue to wait for an opportunity to be a meaningful part of the discussion during the development and implementation of these regulations.
Thank you.