I will, thank you. I'll try to get started right away because seven minutes goes by pretty quickly.
Good afternoon, Mr. Chair. My name is Stuart Schmidt. I am president of the Klondike Placer Miners' Association. With me is Randy Clarkson, the executive director of the association.
Legislation concerning YESAB is very important to our industry. We have experienced a great deal of frustration with this process, and we feel that improvements to the process would benefit all Yukoners. The KPMA represents over 100 family-based mining operations in the Yukon as well as many service industries and suppliers. We've been working here for over 130 years as a private sector generator of wealth.
Our industry cumulatively produces over 60 million dollars' worth of gold every year and at least 2.5 times that in spinoff benefits. These are important to the people of the Yukon.
Only water and gravity are used to concentrate placer gold particles. No chemicals, such as mercury or cyanide, are used. No rock acid drainage or other chemical leaching problems occur as a result of placer mining. We are very aware of the importance of environmental stewardship, and we have respect for the land from which we make our living.
Without exception all Yukon placer mines are privately financed operations, and the majority are family owned with many generations working together. This is one of the reasons we can keep operating throughout market cycles even when the stock market is compromising the ability of public companies to operate. This is also one of the reasons we are able to speak freely to you today as we do not have shareholders who worry if they see controversy over legislation in the Yukon.
I employ 24 people, and 11 members of my family and extended family depend on mining for their incomes. Many of my employees have children and families they also take care of. This situation is typical of Yukon placer mines.
Even before the advent of YESAB, our industry had become heavily regulated over the last 20 years with regulations covering all facets of mining from water use, water discharge, stream reclamation, and terrestrial reclamation. The placer industry has more experience with YESAB designated offices than does any other industry or working group in the Yukon. Thirty-eight per cent of the assessments of designated offices have been for placer mines.
There are four parts of this proposed legislation that are controversial.
One is reassessments of project renewals, proposed subsection 49.1(1). For all of our water licences and land use licences that we have already been assessed for, we will need to go through another assessment at renewal. Very minor amendments will also be assessed. Somehow we need to address this issue of assessing the same project multiple times.
Number two is timelines. Placer projects are at the designated office level, so we shall comment on timelines for this level. Since the implementation of YESAB, our timelines for licensing have increased substantially. Since the placer resource is often more difficult to delineate and explore than hard rock resources are, we need to be agile in how we approach our work. Timelines proposed in this legislation are too long for placer mining and could be much shorter. We also think this is an important area for discussion.
Number three is policy direction. We believe that someone should be able to give direction not just to the YESAB board but, somehow, to the designated offices. The designated offices must be accountable for the recommendations and for their information requests. I came across this issue when I asked the head of a designated office who I could appeal an information request to and I was told, “You may not appeal this to anyone. I am the authority here.” All of us are accountable to someone, somewhere. In the case of a politician, it is the electorate. If you're a gold miner, you must pay your bills and follow the rules. Somehow someone needs to be able to give the designated offices direction to ensure consistency and to ensure that they are not bringing their personal bias to this very important job that affects everyone in the community they live in. We believe this is an important area that needs to be dealt with.
Number four is delegation to the minister. This, again, is a very controversial issue. Devolution and the voice of local government, both first nations and Yukon government, make sense to us, so we believe in local decision-making. We supported devolution of the once federal responsibilities to our elected Yukon government, and we feel this was an important milestone for the people of the Yukon. That's all I'm going to say about it until you ask me more questions.
Number five—here I'm adding points to these controversial issues, because there are other issues that simply aren't covered by this bill—is a lack of procedural fairness. This is an additional issue that we did bring up with the Senate. There's a lack of procedural fairness in the YESAB process. YESAB designated offices' procedures for seeking views and information do not follow the rules of natural justice. There are no opportunities for proponents to address last-minute interventions, and most interventions come at the last minute. Once the “seeking views and information period” is over, the proponents need a reasonable amount of time to respond.
A further one is our number six. YESAB is not restricted to receiving only the evidence gained in the information response and in seeking views, period, but routinely solicits information from other sources and other projects without our knowledge or giving us a chance to respond. This is why we never know what to expect in YESAB recommendations. They often come out of the blue.
Number seven is that the decision bodies are not allowed to consider evidence that was not presented during the YESAB assessment. The proponent needs to be able to answer questions and exchange views with the decision body. YESAB is not always accurate. We're only human. We make mistakes. If further questions occur at some point, they should be answered, just like you should be able to ask more questions of the first nations tomorrow if they feel that they didn't get enough information today.
In conclusion, the work we do in the Yukon is simple and straightforward. Our environmental liability is low. When we ask that improvements be made to this legislation, we are not asking that the environment be sacrificed in any way. We are simply asking that we not be sacrificed in the name of legislative arguments and to make environmental screening appear good on paper.
The more onerous this system becomes—and it's rapidly becoming more onerous—the more difficult it is for small companies like mine to work. More and more, we are forced to hire professionals to help us find our way through the system. Our industry is under a regulatory burden that has little to do with real environmental protection and everything to do with a system that needs direction from someone, somewhere.
It is our sincere hope that this committee leaves here with a greater understanding and a determination to find a way through the morass of differing opinions, remembering all the while that there are people on the ground trying to maintain their livelihoods, earn a living, and contribute tax dollars to both the federal and the territorial governments.
We are the ones struggling with this system. Ask your presenters how many times they have gone through the process when they present to you their opinion on this system. Many would change their views of YESAB if they had to experience being the proponent. We are not legislators, nor do we pretend to have a comprehensive understanding of the agreements between first nations and the Yukon and federal governments.
Please help us deal with this difficult situation we find ourselves in.
Thank you for the opportunity to present our views regarding the proposed legislation.