Thank you, Chair.
Thank you so much for being here today and providing your testimony. The efforts you put into providing this testimony are greatly appreciated.
A number of witnesses have come forward here and have talked specifically about FPIC. I think Professor Dwight Newman framed it best when he said that there are three approaches right now in which FPIC is viewed. The first interpretation is that it's enough to seek FPIC in good faith without necessarily obtaining it. The second is that it's possible to move away from talking about consent itself as long as one has the right type of consensus-oriented process, or what some have called “collaborative consent”. The third, of course, is an outright veto.
To both of you, in what way do you ascribe to the FPIC interpretation provided by Professor Newman? Or do you have your own interpretation as to what FPIC means and the implications it could have?
Chief Leween.