Thank you.
Welcome to all.
Welcome back, Mr. Joffe. It wasn't that long ago that you were sitting just one over.
You all touched on free, prior, and informed consent, and two of the groups in front of me have had long negotiations. Some go on for months and years.
So let's face it; let's talk about the oil and gas, if we can, Mr. Wapass, because you come from my province. You've had a tenacious relationship, if I can say that, with Husky Energy, just next door to you, if you don't mind my saying that. I think I'm correct on that.
So here we have Kinder Morgan. You talk about moving gas and oil, and we talk about this every day in the House of Commons. How will this bill improve getting oil and gas to where it should, through B.C., when right now we have a number of agencies in British Columbia supporting it, we have a handful not supporting it, and we're deadlocked?