We provided a very thorough submission to Minister Valcourt's special representative in connection with a five-year review that's called for by section 40 of the Specific Claims Tribunal Act.
The special representative, Mr. Pelletier, was good enough to come back to the tribunal after interviewing stakeholders, and he told us of their concerns and their ideas as to how our process may be improved. We were invited to make submissions on them. I commend those submissions and Mr. Pelletier's report, which I have never seen, to the members of this body.
We talk about changes throughout the specific claims process that would establish a bigger role for the tribunal in the preliminary vetting of claims, but all the while leaving it to the minister's discretion whether or not to accept claims.
We discussed a summary procedure for bringing claims forward that would depend on full disclosure by the specific claims branch. We talked about the appointment of prothonotaries as they have in the Federal Court, who could make procedural decisions, such that the judicial members wouldn't have to carry the whole load.
There are many other ideas in there from both the tribunal's submission and the submission of the Assembly of First Nations to the special representative.
The five-year review is supposed to be concluded by October this year and, of course, it has fallen to the current government to see that through. The members of the tribunal stand ready to assist the minister in any way we can to flesh out ideas on how to make our process more efficient, less costly, and more user friendly.