In response to that, one of the challenges we face with respect to data as a whole is the infrastructure and the financial support to put those systems together. We always have competing interests for all kinds of infrastructure, whether it be IT infrastructure, roofs over the long-term care facility, or financial infrastructure. We struggle daily with this in trying to balance all of that.
The challenge in introducing a data system that may integrate all of our organizations—we have eight departments within the Mohawk Council of Akwesasne—is instituting that infrastructure. It's the cost to institute that infrastructure, as well as the training components and the maintenance components, right? That really would be a huge bulk of a challenge to get over.
Of course, as you know, when we're all identifying priorities in budgets, are we going to create more beds or are we going to put some data infrastructure in...? That's what it comes down to at the end of the day. Although there's an understanding that data is extremely important for planning purposes, reporting purposes, and transparency purposes, for us that's what it always comes down to.