Okay, here we go.
I'm going to go off on yours. I would see three levels. I would see the federal, the provincial, and your community. When you talk about health care, you talk about nothing but waste in this country. I've just come from the province of Saskatchewan where we ditched 32 vice-presidents of whatever. We've gone to one health authority in my province. We used to have 32. We're down to one. They scrapped all the vice-presidents.
We've just had an interesting conversation with Chief Bellegarde on this. Let's start with the amount of money that is being wasted provincially, and I would say federally in administration that doesn't get to where it needs to go.
I'm going to, first of all, go to the Nishnawbe because you did talk about the federal government and the provincial government but I would say they should also include your group. I don't know where this conversation has to start on partnerships, but it's one that this country (a) cannot afford, and (b) must move very quickly on, because long-term care, whether it's in an urban resource, in an urban facility, or a reserve, is deplorable in this country.
Start with that, if you don't mind.