Thank you.
First I'd like to acknowledge my ancestors of this land, the Algonquin Anishinabeg first peoples.
My name is Robin Decontie. I'm the director for Kitigan Zibi health and social services.
I was born and raised in Kitigan Zibi. I left home for 10 years to pursue my education, to then return to work for our community health centre over the past 20 years in different capacities. I'm now the director of our combined approach of health and social services programs. We've been a transferred health services community since 1989, and we're categorized as a high-functioning, low-risk administration community under ISC.
I'm also a member of the board of directors of the First Nations of Quebec and Labrador Health and Social Services Commission. Hence, I have some insight into what challenges there are on a regional basis as well.
With that in mind, today I offer you a community perspective of our challenges in delivering on-reserve long-term care and potential solutions to these issues. We're a community that believes in doing the work for our own people, by our own people. We believe in capacity-building. Policy-level changes impact good practice at the community level; therefore, I'm honoured to be here today to engage in this important topic of long-term care on reserves and I thank you all for this opportunity.
I'll describe challenges to long-term care on reserve and present some solutions for thought.
The major issue we're facing in many areas of service delivery is medicare delegation to the provinces and the associated jurisdiction issues.
Our community members are dependent on the provincial medicare system for our long-term medicare needs, as all Canadians are. We are dependent on our medicare system for our illness and health care. ISC is not a medicare authority in Canada and delegates these authorities to the provinces via the Indian health policy of 1979. This dependence creates issues when we try to work with the provincial medicare system for, one, uniform communication with first nations liaisons positions to facilitate better access to provincial medicare; two, proper health service delivery practice supervision; and three, planning for chronic disease service delivery and health planning.
Concerning uniform communication with first nations liaisons positions within the medicare system, Quebec's provincial ministry of health and social services liaisons within regional health boards do not have a standardized way of communicating and networking with on-reserve first nations providers in their province. We are dependent on each other to provide care to those needing long-term care on reserve, from womb to tomb. There needs to be a better way for on-reserve service providers to communicate with regional health boards in Quebec that would improve the health services access problems we are experiencing in communities.
For example, I have with me a document entitled “Portrait of the Situation for English-speaking First Nations: Accessing Health and Social Services in English in the Province of Quebec”, from the Coalition of English-Speaking First Nations Communities in Quebec. The portrait identifies the need for provincial boards to have a clearer role and responsibility for first nation liaison agents of the health system to work in partnership with on-reserve health services for long-term care. This is one example of an access issues study.
The solution is to obligate the ministry of health boards throughout the provincial ISC services to mandate a standardized first nations liaison that will meet the needs of communicating with first nations on-reserve care systems to allow for greater access to provincial services on reserve. There needs to be an obligation from the ministry of health and social services of the province to their own provincial medicare system to have a solid, standardized liaison practice from one regional health board to the next, to communicate and work in partnership with first nations communities to improve access to their medicare system.
I have this report. It's translated. It's bilingual.
Regarding proper health service delivery practice supervision, currently there are administrative obstacles with the ISC intermediate resource home facilities. These homes are for semi-autonomous people on reserve. This population will eventually have a growing need for care as their independence continues to diminish. A legal opinion that Quebec first nation intermediate resource homes indicated that non-certified ISC-funded homes on reserve are running an illegal practice of care that can be subject to heavy fines from the province if the province wishes to pursue our homes' care activity.
I have a copy of this opinion in English, if you wish me to submit it as well.
This means that the group homes on reserve in Quebec are providing services beyond the ISC levels 1 and 2 care because there is a growing need for these services with our aging populations. In so doing, we are working against provincial medicare law. There needs to be a congruent way to evaluate autonomy of the human condition between the ISC assisted living service and the provincial medicare system. Currently there is no provision to obligate the provincial medicare system to work with the on-reserve service provider to determine definitive levels of care that a client may need.
Currently our community services use a provincial assessment tool, which rates autonomy from levels 1 to 15 rather than the 1 to 5 that ISC uses. The ISC criteria of care between levels 2 and 3 is a grey zone, which leads to the home having to provide more services than it should in providing to clients in this grey zone. Hence comes forward the illegal practice of providing more help and care in these homes than we should, according to the province.
With the provision of more long-term helping services in the group homes beyond levels 1 and 2 come nursing services that the professional Order of Nurses of Quebec restricts in these homes. According to Bill 90 of the Quebec health act, nurses are not allowed to practise services in intermediate resource homes that are not certified by the province. Hence, we have inadequate supervision available to us by the provincial medicare system as needed. Nursing licences can be revoked by the Order of Nurses of Quebec if nurses are found practising nursing in group homes that are not certified by the province.
Currently our Kiweda group home, funded by ISC's assisted living program, is not a certified home under the province, but we are accredited by Accreditation Canada. Nonetheless, there is no legal provision in Quebec to secure any nursing services we may need to provide to the client in this home. This has always been a contentious issue for our health care team when deciding what care we can provide on reserve to our own people legally.
Our community mirrors the aging population situation, as in the rest of Canada. More aging people will be needing more care in the future, up until the next generation. Nursing home care, which is currently regulated by the province, will be the next set of residential services that we will need to provide to our community members on reserve. We need to ensure that nursing care licensing and certification processing for these homes is better facilitated between the provincial medicare system and first nations service providers on reserve, so that we can provide long-term care by our own people for our own people.
A solution perhaps is to provide the budget resources for assisted living homes to become certified in a culturally appropriate manner, equal to the province. This would mean infrastructure funding to upgrade our homes to meet provincial certification standards, and changes to scope of practice would need to happen to allow for cultural activity. For example, proper sprinkler systems for fire safety would need to be installed in homes, and certification would be needed to allow wild meats to be eaten in these homes, which is not allowed by current provincial certification. The province should be obligated to allow capacity-building approaches for our own community workers to provide the work for our own people by our own people in certified homes as well.
As well, provide the budget to allow first nation home and community care services to expand their hours of service delivery as needed to help community members remain at home and out of the provincial hospital care system as long as possible.
With regard to planning for chronic disease service delivery and health planning, there are other conditions besides elderly aging that constitute the need for long-term care on reserve. There are emerging concurrent disorders needing long-term care, such as people with mental health disorders and physical disabilities and people with chronic concurrent pain crisis management and addictions.
Those struggling with these mental health conditions concurrently with their physical conditions have very limited capacity for decision-making and are dependent on service provision, because they cannot live on their own. With the onset of the opioid crisis that we're experiencing in North America, we are observing the need for long-term care for community members struggling with addictions to have a place to go to so they don't die young.