Sure. As I said, we began this process more than 10 years ago because we face the same issues as all first nations. We don't have data. A lot of the data we were collecting for Health Canada or INAC—I'm sorry that I don't know the new names—was related to the accountability of funding and the spending of resources, whereas it didn't necessarily support the documentation of needs within the community, and those could be based on stories.
In my community of Eskasoni, we began a research project specific to Eskasoni and we tried to do data linkage through postal coding and all that kind of stuff to see if we could extract information from current databases and work with universities and stuff like that. That wasn't sufficient, so we continued to work on this project and continued to get funding through the aboriginal health transition fund and different initiatives and whatever project funding we could get to continue this work.
Ultimately, after many years, we've developed a unique identifier that does use the Nova Scotia health card number and the INAC registry to be able to link these together, and it's completely under the control and management of first nations in Nova Scotia.